Winter Warmer, 7%
Un corps riche pour se rassasié en hiver. Elle fait bien son travail, avec une finition agréable mais très résiduelle sur la langue, manquant donc légèrement de tonus dans les saveurs. Elle goûte le caramel et des fruits esters comme la pomme et la pêche, ainsi que de l’orge et une dominance d’herbes. Elle est plus fraîche que la normale, ayant de la levure de style Allemande au phénols de bananes.
Slightly hazy dark amber color, with low activity, and a light mist of yeast. Slightly creamy and bubbly beige 1 finger head, lasting around 5 minutes, with decent lace, but faint legs. Flavors of caramel, lemon, apples, pears, nutmeg, ginger, dark grains, banana yeast, light vegetables, herbal spices. Biscuity and bready, mostly sugary, with moderately spicy herbal bitter notes. Slick and smooth medium body with crispy carbonation, quite long. Medium strength finish, fruity esters, roasted barley, light brown sugar, soft clove and vanilla, leafy and floral hops, with tingling cinnamon. Good freshness from sharp yeast, and well intensified, pleasant and easy to drink, low perception of alcohol. Decent flavors, but a little thin and bland, quickly overtaken by the finish. So all the flavors are residual on the tongue, although it’s a very nice rich tasty feel. Overall very good quality craft, need some tweaks and this could be a great one!