IPA Américaine, 6%
Cloudy and veiled golden color with moderate activity, gets murky with the yeast. Thick creamy, frothy and rocky, white 3-4 finger sparkling head, lasting around 20 minutes, with generous legs. Flavors of pineapples, passion fruits, mangos, lemon, caramel, sweet grains, wheat, floral spices. Slick and smooth medium body that gets to full with the yeast drop, a bit silky, with extra crispy carbonation. Medium to strong strength finish, sharp and clean, light pine and leaves, delicate tropical fruits and sugary caramel malts, soft clove and butter, peppercorn, sharp yeast and flowery spices. Nice intensity and very accessible. Inviting fruity feel, no harsh tongue coat. Perfect representation of a well balanced single IPA, delicate and complex while highly flavorful. With the yeast drop it gets sharper and zestier, more dry and piney. Delicious with a satisfying body. Super refreshing. Highly recommended IPA, up there with Auval. Overall exquisite quality craft.