Titanic – Brasseurs R.J.

Une brune forte Belge de 7%, remplie de saveurs, puissante mais avec une fraîcheur et rondeur surprenante.


Belgian Strong Dark Ale, 7%, aged for 6 months: Very dense reddish dark brown color, with a veil of copper, in the light I can see powerful activity. Creamy dark beige 2 finger head, lasting around 5-10 minutes, with poor legs, but decent lacing. Flavors of wild berries, plums, orange, soft chocolate and coffee, oak, light molasses and prunes, dark roasted malts and herbal hops. Bready caramel with sharp Belgian yeast. Milky full body with prickly and crispy carbonation. Medium to strong strength finish, dry clove, lots of dark fruits, roasted barley, spicy, mellow porto like barrel aged feel. A bit earthy and leathery, just pleasant. Nicely balanced, subtly feels like a black IPA. Really fresh, tender, and delicious. Surprisingly accessible for the strength. Overall excellent quality craft.

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