Tante Tricotante – Microbrasserie Du Lac-Saint-Jean

Une Tripel de qualité moyenne qui ressemble plus à une double Witbier / IPA, 8%


Tripel, 8%: Deep hazy dark straw color, a bit cloudy, with sparkling activity. Dense foamy and frothy white 3-4 finger head, lasting around 15-20 minutes, with strong legs and a good swirl reaction. Flavors of wheat, coriander, lemon, soft clove, light grapefruits, Belgian and wild yeast, sweet grains and floral hops. Slick and smooth full body with extra crispy carbonation, almost champagne like. Medium strength finish, soft hay, bready, with lots of dry hops. Good accessibility, but an under-intensified tripel. Lacks complexity and further Belgian qualities, even with all the yeast in. Slightly unbalanced with too much hops I find, feels more like a double witbier/IPA. Overall the quality is okay, could easily be a very good one with a bit of tweaking, or it didn’t reacted well to the cellar (3 months).

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