Muskoka Craft Lager

Lager pâle Américaine de 4.8%, très similaire aux versions commerciaux, contenant trop d’adjuvent de maïs.


American Pale Lager, 4.8%: Slightly hazy golden color with moderate pearly activity. Faint foamy white 2-3 finger head, lasting less than 5 minutes, with poor legs. Flavors of straw, caramel, sweet grainy malts, lemon, floral hops. Slick medium to full body with prickly carbonation. Medium strength leafy and floral bitter spices, with coarse barley, and sour apples. Lacks balance in the flavors. Got that wet straw feel that most adjuncts have, but the sweetness is a bit more bearable. Doesn’t feel very fresh, the tongue coat is long and kinda harsh. You get an overly alcoholic feel too. Lots of character though, too much and the residual flavors are muffled by a brutal finish. Accessible to those whose likes hard adjuncts like malt liquors. Overall bad quality craft.

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