Bière De Balcon (framboises) – L’Espace Public

Ale sauvage surette / Berliner, 3%


Sour wild ale, 3%: Hazy and veiled orange/pink color with light activity. Faint foamy white 1 finger head, lasting around 5 minutes, with weak legs. Flavors of raspberries and wild berries, lemon, sweet grains and herbal hops. Slick full body with prickly and crispy carbonation. Strong sour tart finish, not candy like but more acidic and truly fruity with no overwhelming sugars, ending with a rich malty feel with a hint of corn, which I enjoy in those styles. Probably more like Berliner than a true Wild ale, ends clean with no perceptible Wild yeast funk. It’s still quite fresh and decent to down in a hot summer day on the balcony. The fruits are really nice and the balance is there. The sour queen wife really likes it. Overall good quality craft.

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