Anna – Vox Populi

IPA Tripel, 10%


Tripel IPA, 10%: Deep hazy and veiled golden color with storming activity. Gets cloudy with the yeast. Thick foamy and creamy beige 4-5 finger head in the tulip, lasting around 15 minutes, with good set of legs and lacing, but a poor swirl effect. Flavors of pineapples, orange, green grapes, mangos, caramel, sweet grains, Belgian yeast, clove, coriander and herbal spices. Oily medium body with a moderate crisp. Strong strength finish, feels wheathy with a bit of hay, deeply hoppy and tropical, leafy and grassy. This is a Belgian IPA / Tripel interpretation. I get a light brett and wild yeast feel in there. The freshness is decent but could be better. It’s a bit vinous and heavily alcoholic, way too much, hits the complexity. The body gets dull quite fast, and the flavors lack balance. The smell is highly boozy, quite a bold brew and not accessible. With a bit of tweaking this could be promising. Still overall a high quality craft that is packed with flavors.

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