Évangéline – Distillerie Fils du Roy

Brown Ale aux noisettes, 7.5%


Nutty Brown Ale, 7.5%: Deep veiled, almost opaque, dark copper color with lots of activity. Slightly creamy light brown 2 finger head, lasting around 5 minutes, with light legs but a good swirl effect. Flavors of toffee, molasses, walnuts, dark grains, dark berries, herbal hops. Really an inviting smell. Slick oily, slightly creamy medium body with a light crisp. Medium strength finish, a bit roasted and slightly woody, with a rich walnut feel. It’s thickly sugary but balanced with leafy hops and grains. So it’s ends a bit rough on the tongue yet it’s well intensified, although it’s unfortunately too boozy. Still decently fresh and pleasant to drink, lots of complexity for a brown ale. Nice autumn themed brew me think, being highly warming but not too much. Overall high quality craft.

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