Pilsner Des Mers – Brasseurs Du Nord

Pilsner Allemande Salée, 5.2%


Salty German Pilsner, 5.2%: Bright pale straw color with moderate pearly activity. Flavors of sweet grains, lemon, salt, floral hops. Foamy white 3 finger head, lasting around 5-10 minutes, with not much legs but decent swirl effect. Slick and oily medium body with a sharp crisp. Light strength finish, flowery with veggies, grainy and highly salty (des mers = of seas). Some dry sugary hopping in there. You can really feel like it’s sea water, fits well with sea food. Still quite fresh, yet the body feels a bit bland being too oily and not rounded enough. Proper flavors for the style, yet a notch more intense, makes it more tasty. Slightly wet at the end, though bearable compared to lots of others. I find this pils quite interesting, lots of personality and decently complex. Overall high quality craft.

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