Saison En Enfer – Avant-Garde Artisans Brasseurs

Saison, 6.66%


Saison, 6.66%: Deep hazy and cloudy dark straw, almost golden color, with moderate activity. Tight foamy light beige 3-4 finger head, lasting around 10 minutes, with average lacing and adecent swirl reaction. Flavors of sweet grains, peach, pears, lemon, coriander, wheat, banana, caramel, Belgian yeast, and floral hops. Slick and oily full body with extra crispy carbonation. Medium strength finish, slightly flowery and herbal, a bit dry ending quite clean, sharp yeast and slightly citrusy, more grainy and dominantly malty. Moderately peppery, heavily sweet. Light bardyard feel, the maillard effect hides the Wild yeast profile. So it leans toward a spicy Belgian pale ale or Tripel. Good freshness, the carbonation is alright, although the body is a tad too heavy and oily. Feels more than 6%, like 8-9%. Overall good quality craft.

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