Ceci N’est Pas Une Gueuze (Hors Série) – Les Trois Mousquetaires

Gueuze, 5.5%


Gueuze, 5.5%, aged around 1 year : Slightly hazy golden color with lots of activity. Gets a bit cloudy as the yeast is poured. Light foamy white 1 finger head, lasting around 2 minutes, with not much legs but pretty strong lacing, moderate swirl reaction. Flavors of cranberries, green apples, peach, sweet grains dominant wheat, wild yeast, floral hops. Slick oily medium to full body with extra crispy carbonation. Strong sour finish of tart fruits, heavily funky and vinous, yet it ends clean on the tongue. Soft straw and floral notes with some cheese and a hint of wood. Great balance here because I don’t specially like sours yet this one I can easily enjoy as an appetizer. I don’t know if it aged well cause the sourness slightly hits the throat but it’s bearable. Gets quite sharp and interesting as more yeast is poured, producing a vegetal feel. Good complexity, passable freshness, though quite warming. Overall excellent quality craft.

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