Pale Ale Transylvanienne (IPA Rousse), 7%
Transylvanian Pale Ale, 7%: Clear, slightly veiled, dark amber color with tons of activity. Gets cloudy as more yeast is poured. Thick foamy and frothy, a bit creamy, beige 3-4 finger head, lasting around 15 minutes, with good legs and lacing. Flavors of roasted grains dominant barley, clove, pears, caramel, mint, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and herbal hops. Soft and smooth medium body with a light crisp. Strong strength finish, lightly earthy and quite leafy, thick lingering bready malts on the tongue. Lots of sugars with high bitterness. As more yeast is poured you get more fruit effect of estery orange peels and grapefruits, kinda Belgian? Still feels more like a cross English IPA and spicy red ale, some autumn drinking qualities and halloween themed. The freshness is alright but effectively robust so it lacks accessibility. Though the flavors are well balanced still making this an enjoyable brew. I dig the complexity and interpretation. Overall very good quality craft.