Disruption – Category 12 Brewing

IPA Noire, 6.7%


Black IPA, 6.7%: Almost opaque dark brown color with a copper hue but no visible activity. Fluffy and creamy beige 3 finger head, lasting around 15 minutes, with good legs and swirl effect. Flavors of dark grains, coffee, cocoa, grapefruits, orange, plums, raisins, and herbal hops. Light slick and slightly oily medium to full body with prickly carbonation and a soft crisp. Gets more tender as it warms. Strong strength finish, roasted while a bit chalky and earthy with a leafy hoppy final that coats the tongue. Nothing excessive, the balance is there and the freshness is decent. The hops are dominantly herbal and less fruity, which I find less interesting, a barrel effect would have been nice and add to the complexity. Still a highly enjoyable brew. Overall very good quality craft.

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