Moinette Brune – Brasserie Dupont

Ale ambrée forte Belge, 8.5%


Belgian strong dark ale, 8.5%, aged around 6 months : Cloudy and veiled dark brown with a red hue, extremely active. Creamy brown 1-2 finger head, lasting around 10 minutes, with not much legs but good lacing and a decent swirl reaction. Flavors of cinnamon, brown sugar, caramel, wild berries, cherries, roasted grains, Belgian yeast, coriander, ginger, and herbal hops. Slick and silky medium body with prickly and crispy carbonation. Strong strength finish, malty and bready, thick esters and spices, a bit leafy with sharp yeast, lightly sour from the aging process that’s far from excessive. Moderately alcoholic. Pleasantly spiced and yeasty, including a hint of barrel aged feel of cheese. Fits well in winter time celebrations having of festive qualities. Decent freshness and bodied. Highly warming, could easily be used as an appetizer, it’s salivating with sugars. Complex and really well made. Aged well in the bottle. Overall excellent quality craft.

Saison Dupont – Brasserie Dupont

Saison, 6.5%


Saison, 6.5%, aged 6 months : Hazy golden color with storming activity and lots of floating yeast detritus (poured a bit too much). Foamy white 2 finger head, lasting around 5-10 minutes, with light legs, but thick lacing and a good swirl response. Flavors of apples, pears, green grapes, honey, sweet grains, wild yeast, wheat, coriander, and floral hops. Slick and smooth well rounded medium body with extra crispy carbonation, almost champagne like. Medium strength finish, slightly vinous, thick sugary grains, light hay and bardyard feel, flowery with a hint of cheese. Starts highly fruity with a light sourness, then the spices gradually develops on the tongue, making a highly complex spectrum of flavors. Incredible balance and perfectly intensified (even with the yeast). It’s not the funky, heavily yeasty type of Saison, more fruity and subtle. Overall exquisite quality craft, a guideline for Saison styles, ultimate Belgian interpretation.

Moinette Blond – Brasserie Dupont

Pale Ale Belge Forte, 8.5%


Strong Belgian Pale Ale, 8.5%: Clear and slightly hazy gold color with storming activity. Thick foamy and slightly frothy white 1-2 finger head in the goblet, lasting around 10 minutes, with moderate legs, strong lacing, and a thick swirl effect. Flavors of caramel, honey, apples, spices, coriander, clove, ginger, sweet grains, wild yeast, banana yeast, and floral hops. Slick and smooth medium body with a moderate crisp. Strong strength finish, slightly vinous and dry, bold spices but proper for the style, soft hay and wild yeast but not like a Saison. Ends slightly leafy and thickly grainy, more sugary and bready. Quite warming and uplifting. Light barrel effect of cheese. Good complexity yet feels a little too boozy; lots of similar brew have this well hidden. Decent freshness but lacks a bit, a sharper body would’ve been nice, like a Chouffe. You can see this is going for a Saison/Tripel kinda way, while still remaining true to the style. Not as accessible as other good examples. Overall excellent quality craft.