Vagabond des Îles – Microbrasserie Le Naufrageur

Doppelbock, 9.3%


Doppelbock, 9.3%, aged around 6 months: Opaque dark brown. Slightly creamy, more foamy, brown/orange 3-4 finger head, lasting around 10 minutes, with strong lacing but not much legs nor proper swirl reaction. Flavors of dark grains, plums, raisins, wild berries, chocolate, liquorice, coriander, and herbal hops. Oily medium body with crispy carbonation. Deep yeasty chunky feel. Very strong intensity, although it ends quickly not overly killing the tongue, it’s earthy and alcoholic. Nice barrel aged sensation, slightly winey and vinous, port like. A bit cheesey and chalkey, but too stout like. Also too sour from the aging process so it didn’t age as expected. The body is overly dull and thin. Quite spicy with good appetizer qualities, highly warming and rich. Interesting though lacks a bit of balance and complexity. Overall good quality craft.

La Strawberry Fields – Le Naufrageur

Berliner Weissbier, 4%

Flaveurs de fraises fraîches, blé, bonbons sûres, levures sauvages et de délicats houblons nobles floraux. Ce n’est pas amère comme une IPA, plutôt très surette (tart) avec un bon fruité de qualité et bien balancé. La fraîcheur est respectable, car d’autres du même style, surtout d’origine Allemande, son encore plus surette et acide. Elle se termine par des agréables notes de grains rôties, ce que personnellement je recherche dans le style, un réel goût de bière. Probablement seulement disponible en Gaspésie, car elle est brassé en petite « batch » saisonnière. Possiblement différente a chaque année de brassage, on pourrait dire qu’elle est en rodage.


Cloudy dark gold color with a good amount of activity. Slightly creamy beige 1-2 finger head, lasting around 5 minutes, with faint legs, and good lace. Flavors of sweet grains, strawberries, tart, peach, wheat, soft barley and corn, wild yeast, floral spices. Light sweet malts, with tart fruity sourness. Slick oily medium body, well rounded, with crispy and soft prickly carbonation. Medium strength finish, sharp sour fruits, roasted grains, soft hay, gentle leafy and floral hops, probably noble. Good balance and not too excessive, with a high quality strawberry feel and scent. My favorite Berliner, not quite as light and acidic as the norm, with actual grainy beer flavors. Very tasty and properly intensified. Overall excellent quality craft. Should taste different each year, made in small batches.

St-Barnabé – Le Naufrageur

Irish Dry Stout, 5.2%


Opaque black color. Pale brown persistent head with tons of carbonating activity.
Pleasant sweet aroma and flavor of chocolate with some toasty nutty bitter coffee. Well balanced aromas of floral and herbal spices.

Earthy spicy sensation with a hint of fruits. Creamy and warming full body, but missing a little zesty feeling from all that carbon activity. Well balanced in the mouth with a short finish.

A fresh, well crafted and balanced stout that is not too sweet nor bitter.