La Vache Folle Session IPA – Microbrasserie Charlevoix

IPA de Session, 4.2%


Session IPA, 4.2%: Vache folle, an old bottle from feb 2017 in a shady store (shame on, shame on me) : Veiled and dense hazy golden color with good activity. Creamy and frothy meza, quite explosive, light beige 3-4 finger head, lasting around 15 minutes and making serious legs. Flavors of sweet grains dominant barley, pineapples, orange, peach, caramel, Wild yeast, and floral hops. Slick and oily medium to full body with a moderate crisp. Medium strength finish, highly flowery and a bit rustic with sharp yeast and a decent tropical feel on the tongue, not too coarse nor leafy. Light straw and bardyard effect with a hint of clove. I still find the taste pretty good after all that time, with more subtle hops it balance everything out but most probably turns it further into a rustic pale ale or Saison intensity. Although the body did take a bit of a hit making it kinda dull, still remains the murky sensation that is trademark of the Vache folle series, kinda milky. Good freshness and accessibility. Overall very good quality craft.

Sour French Kiss – Microbrasserie Charlevoix

Bière surette aux fruits et de blé, 4.5%


Sour wheat and fruit beer, 4.5%: Clear, slightly veiled, reddish/orange color with moderate activity. Foamy pink 3 finger head, lasting around 5-10 minutes, with light legs. Flavors of cranberries, wild berries, sweet grains and floral hops. Slick and smooth medium to full body with prickly and soft crispy carbonation. Light to medium strength finish, sour but not candy like, more like fresh fruits, highly attenuated yeast with low maillard effect, soft wheat with a light finish of dry hops. The freshness is pretty good. Not much complexity, but still a pleasant all around fruit beer with just really good ingredients. Overall very good quality craft.