Imperial Ginger Cat – Mill Street Brewery

Bière de blé double épicée (gingembre) et à l’orange, 7%


Ginger double wheat orange beer, 7%: Hazy and cloudy dark gold color with few activity. Slightly creamy and bubbly beige 2-3 finger head, lasting around 5-10 minutes, with good lacing. Flavors of orange, light passion fruits, peach, ginger, vanilla, coriander, wheat, sweet grains, nutmeg, and floral spices. Bready and wheathy, quite sugary and a bit candy like, soft spices. Creamy and silky full body with moderate prickly and crispy carbonation. Medium strength finish, gingerbread and red ale kind of feel, a bit of straw and cereal, soft tropical fruits and clove, with some noble hops. Belgian like. Smells like orange crush, almost feels like a radler. Good freshness and taste, not overly ginger. Very nicely bodied, thick and filling. A bit too sugary I think, too candy like. Good accessibility, not harsh. Overall good quality craft, a nice try but I wouldn’t drink this casually. Festive for once a year, like Halloween or the holidays.