La Terrible – Unibroue

Quadrupel, 10.5%


Quadrupel, 10.5%, 6 month old bottle : Opaque black color. Super foamy and light creamy beige 4-5 finger head in the tulip, lasting around 20 minutes, producing some good legs and a strong lacing. Flavors of prunes, plums, raisins, cherries, wood, maple, black liquorice, toffee, soft cheese, light cocoa and coffee, Belgian yeast, herbal spices. Silky full body with extra crispy carbonation. Very strong finish, long tongue coat but not overly aggressive, sharp bitter leathery and earthy feel, thick malty and fruity sugars, thick barrel aged feel. Got lots of complexity, pretty well balanced, although not very accessible. Kinda vinous and deeply acidic, some appetizer qualities, still quite fresh and tender from the yeast. Superb taste and body, incredibly rich and smooth. Almost feel like a Quad, heavily alcoholic and warming, almost burning! Perfect winter beer, fits well for festive activities. Yet strangely, I wouldn’t drink this one too warm, drink it rather cold, it gets putrid and pukey when at room temp. Overall superb quality craft.

Mons Abbey Quadrupel – Brasserie Belgh Brasse

Quadrupel, 10.5%


1 year old bottle : Slightly veiled dark amber reddish color, with few activity. Slightly creamy dark beige 3-4 finger head, lasting around 5 minutes, with faint legs, and average lacing. Flavors of berries, plums, raisins, orange, toffee, sweet grains, Belgian yeast, cinnamon, and floral spices. Thick sugary malts, a bit candy like, with moderate bitter hops and yeast. Slick and silky full body with light carbonation. Medium strength finish, slightly dry, lingering dark fruits, clove, burnt brown sugar, soft liquorice, and floral hops. Very weak notes of oak, no developed barrel aged feel from aging. Very similar to a barley wine. This is a weak and highly accessible quad, if you could call it like so. Decent freshness. Weak leather feel, nor really vinous. The alcohol is very well hidden though, it’s pretty warming and dangerous. The smell is a little faint. Good taste and body, but lacks character and complexity. Overall above average quality craft for a quad.