Le Trinqueur – Brasseurs Du Monde

Scotch Ale, 9%


Scotch Ale, 9%, aged 6 months : Near opaque deep brown, almost black, with a copper hue and lots of activity. Slightly creamy brown 2-3 finger bubbly head, lasting around 5-10 minutes, with poor legs and average swirl reaction. Flavors of liquorice, dark berries, prunes, coffee, dark grains, walnuts, and herbal hops. Slightly creamy, but more oily, medium body with light crispy carbonation. Very strong strength finish, a bit chalky, thick earthy feel, molassy with brown sugar and raisins, also vinous but the aged feel while overly acidic (hits the throat). The bottle didn’t age really well, heavily alcoholic and unbalanced, similar to whiskey. Astringent and tongue coating fruity barrel feel included, not fresh nor accessible. The body is not pleasant and it lacks complexity. Overall average quality craft, probably better if not aged, not an excuse for this type of brew.

Corne De Glace – À l’abri de la Tempête

Scotch Ale de glace très puissant, 14%


Ice Scotch Ale, 14%, aged around 6 months : Cloudy and hazy copper brownish color. Slightly creamy brown orangey 3-4 finger head in a tulip, lasting around 5-10 minutes, with some strong lacing. Flavors molasses, liquorice, plums, cherries, clove, wood, dark grains and herbal hops. Slick and slightly oily medium body, soft crisp. Very strong dry finish, leathery and alcoholic, rich dark fruits and roasted grains, while highly spicy with a hint of cheese. Decent barrel aged feel, but not enough and probably doesn’t age that well. This is an « Ice Scotch Ale » with proper strength; it’s really warming, almost burning the throat. It’s interesting but not amazing. Quite a bold Scotch Ale for really cold times. It’s deeply boozy but not overly coarse and vinous, still decently balanced. Although the accessibility is very low. Got to try this one again, was interrupted by the damn wife’s car accident, so I got to drink this hours after the pour and it was still decent. Overall very good quality craft.